2025 Registration form single tickets DACT Treasury Fair Company Name* Represented by* 24-hour tickets (please enter the number of 24-hour tickets)*Price: 1.100,00 € / per person. Max 2 tickets per day per company. Price per person ex VAT. Please fill in above the number of tickets (max 2 per day) and below the names of the delegates below if you have opted for the 24-hour ticket.Name/ Last name employee 1 with 24-hour ticket Name/ Last name employee 2 with 24-hour ticket Day ticket Thursday 13 March (please enter the number of day tickets)*Price 750,00 € / per person. Max 2 tickets per day per company. Price per person ex VAT. Please fill in above the number of tickets (max 2 per day) and below the names of the delegates below if you have opted for the day ticket on Thursday.Name/ Last name employee 1 with a day ticket on Thursday 13 March Name/ Last name employee 2 with a day ticket on Thursday 13 March Day ticket Friday 14 March (please enter the number of day tickets)*Price 750,00 € / per person. Max 2 tickets per day per company. Price per person ex VAT. Please fill in above the number of tickets (max 2 per day) and below the names of the delegates below if you have opted for the day ticket on Friday.Name/Last name employee 1 with a day ticket on Friday 14 March Name/ Last name employee 2 with a day ticket on Friday 14 March Contactperson (involved with the Fair)* Email address* Phone number* Invoice: Company name* If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.Invoice: Att of name/department* If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.Invoice Address* If the invoice address is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.Postal code and city* If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.Country* If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.Additional information to be added on the invoice If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.In case of VAT Reverse fill in your VAT number (EU only) If the information is not correct and DACT has to send a 2nd one we will charge Euro 25,00 administration costs.TERMS* I have read and understood these terms and the rules of play on https://dact.nl/treasury-fair-2025/rules/. I confirm that the company accepts the terms of payment and accept the rules of play. I will agree to adhere to them.Terms o Payment for the hire of stands, stand equipment and entrance tickets is due within 14 days of the invoice date. o If payment is not received by the payment deadline DACT will cancel the registration. o DACT does not accept terms (of payment) of any other party. For more info see https://dact.nl/treasury-fair-2025/Name of signatory*