Technical Committee
Mid 2015 the DACT established a committee concerned with relevant laws and regulations and professional subjects. The committee consists of at least five members from various disciplines who have ample experience in the treasury profession and do have theoretical knowledge (including fiscal/judicial). Currently, the committee is formed by Erwin Bastianen (chairman; NIKE), Patrick Kunz (Pecunia Treasury & Finance), André Wieringa (AP Group), Haseena Khodadin (EY), Bart Verweij (Mollie), Dagmara Kowalska (Unit4) and Richard Blokland (NewCold).
Participation is in an individual capacity. The committee communicates primarily with the members via the DACT LinkedIn group and newsletters. Via this forum members are invited to initiate and respond to topics or start discussions. Should you actively wish to participate in subjects in the area of banking, tax & accounting or relevant laws and regulations, please contact the committee via
Scope and responsibilities
The committee is mandated to conduct the following activities on behalf of the DACT board. The board is and will remain exclusively mandated to adopt and communicate a position on behalf of the association.
- Advise the board – solicited and unsolicited – on relevant laws and regulations and professional subjects.
- Identify and share new professional developments, opinions and insights.
- Analyse and comment on draft reports from (lobbyists of) the EACT, discussion papers of supervising institutions like the European Commission or the IASB, and guiding (sector) reports of leading public and private companies.
- Maintaining relationships with supervisory and umbrella industry associations in financial sector and technical committees of other treasury associations.
- Define DACT positions on relevant treasury related topics.
- Inform members on current developments in the Treasury Profession.
- Provide information to DACT members and encourage the information exchange between members in seminars etc.
- Provide topics and case studies for PEP events.